Our program

Educational & Training Programmes

Akshara Madilu is an educational program initiated by Madilu Seva Trust, aimed at identifying and supporting vulnerable children in Karnataka. This program focuses on reaching out to nomadic communities, tribal populations, underprivileged children from the streets and slums, orphans, and those raised by single parents. Under Akshara Madilu, we provide these children with educational opportunities and support, giving them a chance for a brighter future. To date, we are proud to have academically adopted and enrolled 500 children into this transformative program, nurturing their academic growth and overall development.

Major Projects under this Programme

Targeted Beneficiaries

  • Nomads, tribes, orphans, poor, labour class, farmers, underprivileged needy people and their children who are isolated and kept far from the society.
  • School dropouts, child labours who are forced to work to earn their living.
  • Children from rural areas, remote places who don’t have access to school due to lack of transportation facilities.
  • Minor girls who are forced to marriages as their parents finds it difficult to take care of their children and provide education due to their poverty and lack of knowledge.
  • Children who are not having proper care by their parents or guardians.

Targeted Geographic Region of Work

  • Taluks of Tumkur
  • Mysore 
  • Chamarajanagara
  • Madikeri Districts of Karnataka.

Madilu Seva Trust (R) is an NGO dedicated to educating underprivileged children and enhancing the lives of nomads and tribes across Karnataka 

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